
Science Workshop


Mr. Sharat Chandra

F.Y.B.Ed Science group along with Anna ma'am and Mr. Sharat Chandra. 

Learning becomes fun and interesting when a child gets to do some hands-on activities for the lesson.This workshop by Mr. Sharat Chandra was conducted for us with the same view.
The workshop was very educative filled with different science concepts. Mr. Sharat Chandra had provided us with different kits in group to work on it and then explain what it is.Doing these hands-on activities with the kits from Butterfly Edufields helped me to realize how a simple or complex matter can be delivered to the students making it more interesting.
The most important takeaway from this workshop was how practical work makes a huge difference in the better learning of the students along with the theoretical part.Also from the 'building tower' activity conducted for us indicated me that for any tower to stand upright its base should be strong,which reflects that child should be clear and thorough in his basic concepts.  

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