

I had conducted a mini sci-fun program for the students of Mushtifund High School where, non science students Matilda Endro and Ariedon Gomes had helped me in all the preparations and arrangement of the experiments. I had demonstrated amazing science experiments like Pressure Fountain, Relight Flame , Balloon in a bottle, Blow Up Balloon, Bubble inside a Bubble, Travelling Water and Shrink and Sink. The students found this program very interesting and were enjoying while doing each experiment, especially they were very eager to try the balloon in a bottle and travelling water experiment again and again. Also Bubble inside a bubble experiment was kept as a challenge to the students. Prior to explaining them about the concept behind each shown experiment I had asked the students to share their thinking after trying each experiment as how such thing was possible. Each experiment developed the curiosity among the students to know the science behind it.

1Pressure Fountain

2. Balloon in a bottle

3. Blow Up Balloon

4. Relight Flame

5. Travelling Water

6. Shrink and Sink

7. Bubble inside a Bubble

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